Zero Waste Berries

It is officially berry season here in Minnesota! To me, that means I stuff my face with so many berries that I’m sick and my fingers are stained. It’s an amazing time in my life.

Finding plastic-free berries is almost impossible in the non-summer months, so now is your time to stock up on berries so that you can preserve, can, or freeze them to enjoy later in the year.

Where can you find plastic-free berries? Here are some tips.

  • Find a local farm stand that sells berries.  If you are in the Twin Cities, I visit one of Unitedt’s farm stands for strawberries, blueberries, and cherries. I like to bring my own container so that the farmer can reuse theirs.
  • Visit your local farmers market. The farmers market is a terrific place to find package-free foods throughout the summer, and berries are no exception. Again, I like to bring my own container.
  • Find a pick-your-own farm. These farms can be really fun and a great family event. Make sure to call the farm ahead of time to ensure that they have ripe berries and to find out what’s in season. I would definitely recommend bringing your own reusable bags and containers as I’ve found most farms only provide plastic bags for people to collect berries.

Hope this info helps you stay zero waste this summer!

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