Zero Waste Tips For Staying Sane During Social Quarantine

This is a very trying time. We are learning new things every day to keep us safe from the Coronavirus, which means that we are rushing to keep up with new recommendations and safety measure to implement (we were told not to wear masks, now we are being told to wear masks…). We are constantly waiting for updates from local and federal governments, are anxious about family and friends being exposed, and also need to take care of ourselves, our jobs, family, and our mental and physical health – there’s a lot going on!

During this uncertain time, it is easy to isolate yourself and experience negative emotions. I feel you. Sitting at home, even if you have someone else there with you, can cause stress, depression, frustration, etc. But this can also be an opportunity to find joy, laughter, excitement, and adventure in the little things. I encourage you to think outside of the box and get creative during quarantine. Doing so will help you in stay sane (and healthy!). Need some tips?

Cook a meal for an elderly neighbor

Doing something nice for yourself is …well…nice. But doing something nice for someone else is rewarding and spreads love amongst your community. Start by asking your neighbor if they would accept a meal from your freshly cleaned kitchen (and don’t be disappointed if they say no). Then get creative and start cooking! Drop off your meal on their doorstep in a reusable container that they can return to you in a few weeks/months. Need a recipe idea? I made this cauliflower/carrot/sweet potato/turmeric soup for a neighbor and it was a hit, and everything was package free!

Organize an online happy hour

Seeing other people right now has been key to my survival. I thrive on social interaction, so social distancing has been very hard on me mentally. But thanks to programs like Google Hangout, Facetime, and Zoom, I can “see” my friends and family while remaining a safe distance away. Get your social fix by organizing a group happy hour for some friends, co-workers, community group you are a part of, etc. It’s a great opportunity to catch-up with others and feel connected and not contribute any waste to the landfill.

Get out in your yard

Have you been wanting to install some pollinator friendly plants in you yard, put in that bird bath your found last summer at a garage sale, or start an outdoor compost bin? Now is the time! Getting outside and moving is good for the mind, body, and soul.

Develop a routine

Having a routine helps me stay grounded, as I know what to expect for each day. If you are now working from home, a routine can help you create an appropriate work/life balance (so that you don’t end up watching two hours of Love is Blind over your lunch break). If you don’t have a routine, it is easy to feel disjointed and frustrated, because you have no direction in your day.

Need some help creating a routine? This is what works for me.

  • 7am Wake time, followed by breakfast and a thirty minutes yoga video on YouTube. Often I am doing this all with a baby on my hip.
  • 9am-12pm Work from home while also taking breaks to nurse and play with my baby.
  • 12pm-1230pm Lunch
  • 1230pm-430pm Work from home or work at my office (Tare Market) if needed.
  • 430pm-9pm Family walk outside, followed by cooking dinner and family time (a board game, or watching a favorite show, playing with our baby).
  • 9pm Winding down and getting ready for bed.

I hope that you and your family are staying healthy and safe during this chaotic time – wishing you each the best!

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