A Zero Waste Mother’s Day

I will let you on a secret here. I am blessed with not only a wonderful Mother but also a wonderful Mother-In-Law. How did I get so lucky as to have these two awesome and powerful women in my life? I owe a lot to each of them. I want to make their Mother’s Day special, and I want to give them a meaningful gift that goes beyond just Mother’s Day that I know they will love and is also good for the planet.

Gift giving can be sustainable while still being meaningful. In an effort to be zero waste, try to:

  • Purchase items that come package free
  • Are sourced from reusable and natural materials
  • Are sold locally
  • Support business that manufacture their products in an environmentally-friendly way

And instead of purchasing new wrapping paper or a bag, get creative with old jars and reusable baskets to add some extra personality to your gift.

Here’s what I came up with for both of the wonderful Mom’s in my life (I love this basket of goodies!). I’ve included chocolates from the bulk section from Whole Foods, some lavender soap from Pacha Soap, reusable cotton rounds from Maison Natural Linens, a bamboo toothbrush, DIY dishwasher detergent, reusable dish clothes, and compostable dental floss. These baskets are perfect for each of these women as they both want to be more sustainable in their daily lives but aren’t sure how to start.


Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s out there!





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