Can we change the world?

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    I think it’s a very interesting book (I’m still reading it), the author explains very well all the economic interests that are behind consumerism.
    It seems such a global problem that I wonder if our grain of sand can be used for something, or the world is already destroying it. I hope to finish the book to see if there is any more optimistic vision. What is your opinion?

    Cathy Haukedahl

    I agree the book is interesting. Finally finished the first 200 pages! I think the world can change. Friedman points out that there have been many other sea changes in society (he mentions the Industrial Revolution and the Tech Revolution), and he thinks that can happen for sustainability as well. I agree with him that it can. Sustainability is finally starting to grow in people’s thought and actions in a way we haven’t seen previously. It needs to become more systematized, and that will take a lot of time, effort and persistence. But I think it can happen. I do tend to be an optimistic person, some would say idealistic. 🙂 But I’ve seen many changes in my life that I didn’t expect, and there can be more of them!

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